Building your Personal and Work Resilience - Advanced Level Part 3

£66.00 (incl. VAT):
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We welcome you back to Part 3 of our Foundations for Building your Personal and Work Resilience, where over six different sessions, you will learn some interesting facts about resilience, be introduced to some wellbeing models and tools, and have a chance to reflect and put into practice new-found awareness around your own personal and work mental wellbeing and fitness.
Over the six sessions we will explore the following:
Personal Resilience
  • Influence and power: Looking what's inside your Stress Bucket, understanding what is in and out of your control, and finding out how wobbly your Wheel of Resilience is.
  • Finding your purpose and passion: Exploring your Ikigai, and being led on a journey of discovery to meet your Wise Elder Self.
  • Follow your ABCs: Be introduced to your Physical Intelligence, the power of Nature and some more Mindful Moment activities.
Work Resilience
  • Safety, Belonging and Dignity: Understanding Psychological Safety at work and the culture of feedback.
  • Resilience and Change: Explore the Five Reactions to Change, and have some fun with a swimming pool metaphor.
  • Joyous Resilience: Learn about the Appreciative Inquiry model and the power of Turning it around.
Whilst we have laid out the sessions from Personal to Work Resilience, you can start at any point that feels relevant to you.  Take as much time as you need as the course is available to you for 12 months upon registration.

Part 3

Building your Personal and Work Resilience. The third of three programmes in our resilience model. ...