Mental Fitness HIIT Sessions

£42.00 (incl. VAT):
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In this Mental Fitness HIIT session, we will give you some short, sharp and easy to use mindfulness practices and positive powerful reflections that will help you move from a negative to a positive mindset.

Why call it HIIT? 
Standing for High Intensity Impact Training, just like taking care of your physical fitness through regular exercise, we will be sharing with you Mental Fitness exercises to do daily.  They take as little as 15 minutes!  To dig a bit deeper we've also added some additional material to support each daily HIIT practice.

This is what our daily sessions look like - but don't worry about doing them every day - you can set your own Mental Fitness HIIT pace.

Session 1 is an eyes open practice, and this time using paper and pen.   A great mindfulness practice to do at your desk!  This time our reflection will ask you to 'pause and contemplate' the art of gratitude, giving thanks for what we have rather than what we are missing.

Session 2 is taking advantage of our 5 senses, so a fun and engaging practice (you'll need to come prepared!).  In our reflection we'll consider what drains are batteries and also, what charges them up.

Session 3  is another eyes closed mindfulness practice,  with the option of laying down or sitting in your seat as you 'check in with your body' as to how you really feel.  And carrying on feeling, we'll be noticing how certain words impact us either positively or negatively.

Session 4 uses our touch to ground us and can be done with eyes open or closed.  We'll be reminded in our reflection the importance of taking a break, but not just any type of break - a Power Break. 

Session 5 will have you back on your feet again as we use movement and breath in this Mental Fitness HIIT practice.  With our final reflection inviting you back to school with your ABCs, but this time to create your personal ABCs Self Care Plan.

Buying note - if you are buying this programme on behalf of someone else, you will need to provide their email address in order for them to access the course. 

(If you are looking to access this session on your phone, we'd recommend you download the A New Spring app)

Mental Fitness HIIT Sessions

Your 5 Mental Fitness HIIT sessions - helping you to build your daily and weekly positive mindset th...